Невозможное — возможно
Елена Шеремет — одна из тех немногих исполнителей, которые популяризируют инструментальную музыку в России и за ее пределами. Превратить инструментальный проект в коммерчески успешный бренд очень трудно. Нужны большие финансовые вливания и простоянная поддержка, съемка клипов и выпуск синглов. Но Елена не останавливается ни на один творческий сезон.
Elena Sheremet presented instrumental show Sax in the City
Presentation of a new program saxophonist Elena Sheremet Sax in the City was held in the theatre hall dom muzyka. Analogues of the similar program it is difficult to find.
The girl and saxophone
Elena Sheremet charmed listeners instrumental compositions, filled with the saxophone. In her discography two solo albums and two album of remixes of the music of Alexander Shulgin. Now Elena is with the concert program "the Sax in the city" in which the dance numbers, videoprojection and melodies in a variety of styles come together and give birth to the show.
Lady-Sax. Elena Sheremet pulls on the pretty boys
If we carry out a poll on the topic "What is a girl with a saxophone, one of the first definitions, of course, is sexuality. They are really very sexy - saxophonist Elena Sheremet and her instrument.
25 Jahre Osnabrucker Sonntagszeitung: Ein Grund zu feiern!