Elena Sheremet presented instrumental show Sax in the City
Presentation of a new program saxophonist Elena Sheremet Sax in the City was held in the theatre hall dom muzyka. Analogues of the similar program it is difficult to find.
If the show pop-singers of our viewers have become accustomed, the show saxophonist - step unprecedented. Since this is not a normal concert, namely show with dances, decorations, costumes and direction. Never saw this and in the world, since the concert according to the specific conditions of russia goes under the phonogram. And only saxophone soloist in the hands of the Alexander Shulgin sounds a live sound. Neither of live musicians, or even djs: this is certainly not abroad.
Elena Sheremet plays a sad melody, and the visuals are replaced by the face gone from the life in the recent times of actors, musicians, dancers...
Striking a short blonde, meanwhile, has already released two full-length albums with music Shulgin and two album of remixes of the same albums. Exactly they made the music menu view. Lady Sax, what is the name of her first album, and as he prefers to call himself the artist has managed to find for himself a rather memorable style of play. In contrast to the usual jazz or pop saxophone, Elena Sheremet not falling apart fast ruladami and not scribbling queue notes with technically zvukoizvlecheniem. Quite to the contrary. Elena Sheremet has played sparingly, without the slightest of improvisation, and only the prescribed composer of the melody. Note for note.
At first listen to this saxophone is very unusual. And even ask the question, is it enough to confidently musician owns his own instrument.
However, if you get mixed up in the slow ripple of exquisite шульгинских melodies, comes the understanding of the delicate aesthetics Sheremet. So play in the classic soviet film music - melody and nothing but the melody. No extra notes. The minimalism of the sound. Deliberate simplicity of the game, in fact musical splint. For the sake of not spill the melody. Melody is the main music queen, and a musician - just a devoted servant of her.
So play in the classic soviet film music - melody and nothing but the melody. No extra notes.
It is possible, for live performance worth all the same sometimes show the technique of - the briefest of expressive passage only would emphasize the dignity of the music Shulgina. And in the audience not there would be groundless doubts in my head.
The show itself is a series of instrumental compositions performed by Elena Sheremet and dance prolog, which employ three dance group.
The show itself is a series of instrumental compositions performed by Elena Sheremet and dance prolog
Instrumental show Sheremet with blotches of a choreographic fantasy looks really festively. Here tried and artists on the light, and pyrotechnics, and computer video on the screens, and the costumes of the authorship of Yulia Dalakyan. As it is planned to rolled show Sax in the City on the concert stages of the country, the viewer will be something to see. And the most important thing is to listen to good music of Alexander Shulgin in almost live performance.
If for visiting the concert of instrumental music need a special occasion, the reason is created.
Photo - Svetlana MALTSEVA,